A Message for Overthinkers
If you are an overthinker, you know how consuming and tiring it can get. Overthinking can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. Luckily, there are certain things you can do to help you manage your overthinking. Here are some of the things I have found useful in managing my overthinking:
Scheduling time for overthinking:
This might sound odd, but it's almost impossible to not overthink at all, especially when you are an overthinker. Try setting a time slot for yourself every day to allow your mind to wander about everything you have in your head. A good timeframe would be 15-30 minutes. Once that time is done, put those thoughts on pause and focus on the rest of your day.
Decide what you can and cannot control:
Breaking everything down into two parts, what you can and cannot control, will help you with the section above. Knowing what you can control will help you sort out your thoughts and make it easier to come up with solutions for them. Then you will be left with what you cannot control and it can help you work to let go.
Changing your perspective:
Turning the negatives into positives can be helpful in getting through things too. If you are thinking something like, "I hate that I overthink everything" you can reframe it to think, "this is something I struggle with but I can actively work on changing this habit." Or if you think, "I won't get through this" you can reframe it to think, "this might be difficult but I will figure it out and get through it."
Exercise your mind to train it:
Focus on what your attention is going to and shift where it goes. If you have an intrusive thought, you can write it down. If you are starting to overthink, regain your senses by looking at what is around you. By purposely shifting your focus repeatedly when you are overthinking, you are training your mind to shift that focus each time you overthink.