How to Get Through Hump Day:
Other than Mondays, Wednesdays can seem like the longest day of the week. We are tired from Monday and Tuesday but the weekend still seems so far away! It is hard getting over the hump of the week. Here are a few ways I like to make Wednesdays a little better for myself:
Sleep- On Tuesdays, I go to bed a little bit earlier to make sure I am extra rested for Wednesday. I try to give myself about 30 minutes of extra sleep. One thing I have found helpful is once Wednesday morning comes around, try to get out of bed as soon as you wake up, rather than laying there wanting to go back to sleep!
Coffee- Ahhh, coffee. Now, some people drink coffee every morning. This is not the case for me. I typically do not drink coffee or tea but almost every Wednesday morning I do. I will either make an iced coffee at home or I will stop at Caribou on the way to work. I love their blended drinks! For me, it is a nice way to treat myself- especially since I do not stop for coffee often. If you have coffee or tea at home every day, try to switch it up on Wednesdays by making it a special way or even stop at a coffee shop on the way to work to treat yourself!
Water- This may seem like a given to drink water every day, but by Wednesday our bodies are getting tired. It is important to stay hydrated to keep us going. Challenge yourself to drink more water than you usually do!
Lunch- If you are used to having the same lunches every day, try switching it up on Wednesdays. Bring something different than what you typically would and it will give you something to look forward to. You could even order lunch instead! Whatever you decide to do, make sure it has the nutrients you need to help you get through the day.
Make Plans- If you don't have plans already for the weekend, make some! This will give you something to think about for the next couple of days other than work. Even if those plans are something you will do on your own, it can be a nice mental distraction for you! This can also give you something to talk about with your coworkers and friends to get you through the day.