- Pumpkin seeds, 3.5 ounces
- Sunflower seeds, 3.5 ounces
- Almonds, 3.5 ounces
- Walnuts, 3.5 ounces
- Linseed or flaxseeds, 3.5
- Sesame seeds, 3.5 ounces
- Five eggs
- Olive oil, ½ cup
- Salt, two teaspoons
Preparation/Cook Time: Prep 10
Minutes/Cook 1 Hour/Total 1 Hour 10 Minutes
(Resting Time 15 Minutes)
Servings: 1 Loaf
- Combine all the ingredients
to a large boil. The nuts, grains, and seeds are meant to remain whole -
chopping them is unnecessary.
- Cut out a parchment paper
sheet just large enough to line the button of a regular bread pan. Transfer the
dough to the pan.
- For approximately one hour,
bake the bread at 320 degrees Fahrenheit.