Why Plant-Based Diets Promote Better Health
For years, a growing push promoting the health benefits of a plant-based diet has been making waves among nutrition scientists and professional dieticians. The widespread, thoroughly-researched plant-based diet has earned its reputation partly due to the positive health improvements for the patients of healthcare workers. It is thus recommended, as one study noted. Better quality, nutritious food and cutting back on the harmful substances from the consumption of animal products are revolutionary options for obtaining a healthier lifestyle in general.
By switching to a plant-based diet, you may:
- Promote better heart health
A person who eats meat products may be at risk for heart health complications due to high saturated fat intake, which can directly correlate to cardiovascular disease. Thankfully, with a plant-based diet, there's a possible 16 percent decrease in the likelihood of developing this disease, according to a published Journal of the American Heart Association study. In addition, life longevity may improve, too, with a 31 percent decrease in cardiovascular disease deaths.
- Burn off excess fat.
You're much less likely to suffer from obesity when you consume plant-based foods and replace that with heavy meat intake. Regardless of health goals, healthier weights are a side effect of this dietary switch. In addition, the difference between the Body Mass Index (BMI) of meat-eaters compared to non-meat eaters is considerably significant, as discovered by the Diabetes Care study. On a further note, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute noted that meat-eaters had an average BMI of 28.8, considered overweight, while individuals following a plant-based diet averaged a 23.6 BMI.
- Promote digestive health with a high-fiber diet.
Fiber is the foundational component of all plants that gives them structure. A wide range of benefits promotes optimal health with a high-fiber diet, and the more of it you consume, the better. When you support gut health by consuming plant-based foods, you also increase your immune function and manage inflammation thanks to better absorption of nutrients that promote them. Regulated blood sugar balance, cholesterol levels, and healthy bowel movements may also be additional benefits of high fiber intake.
This intake also plays a significant role in reducing cancer risk. The correlation between fiber and cancer reduction is especially notable for colorectal cancer, the third leading type of cancer. The decreased onset of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and certain mental health disorders has also been proven from a plant-based diet.
- Combat inflammation
The body's inflammatory response is effectively managed by the nutritional compounds in plant food that are essential for our health. These miniature antioxidants and phytochemicals also work on two fronts; in addition to giving your immune system extra protection, they also effectively combat toxins stemming from refined food products, viral and bacterial pathogens, pollutants, and others. The risk of developing cancer and inflammatory conditions such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease increases without adequate inflammation defense that prolongs for an extended period. In addition, bodily tissues and cells are more susceptible to damage.